Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Reflection Week 14


We will miss our dear lecturer.

          Some of my friends came late to class so the three remaining groups could not present yet. However, we were the first group to present. We started our presentation after Nadzmi, one of our group members arrived. In a way, it is a blessing as we have completed it already.We do not want to drag it and wish to present today.When we presented, most of our friends were laughing because we imitated the voice of a guy. It is really hard to imitate a guy’s voice as our voices are high obviously, being a girl. Our movie teaches us not to follow peer pressure. It also teaches us not to shoplift or to steal as there are many cases like this nowadays.

The next group to present is Khairulanwar’s group. The title of their movie is The Pinnochio. It is the story of a boy whose nose grows long when he tells lies. Their movie was unique because the drawings are drawn by the members themselves. In the end of the story, the boy became a real boy. The moral of the story is not to tell lies and be honest about anything. At the end of our presentation, we shared with our coursemates that we faced some problems when the whole video crashed down. We had to do it again after that. It really taught us to be patient and persevere when facing troubles in life.

I came across this quote which I find interesting.

            After that, miss collected our digital storytelling report. We were also required to sign the submission of all the assignments. I felt relieved as I have completed all of the assignments. The last group to present is Aina’s which is about siblings entitled The Dream of a Sister. Ariel got sick while Aurora took part in Master Chef, a cooking competition show. Aurora won the cooking competition although Ariel has passed away.

Later,Miss Amreet reminded those who have not submitted their report must submit it today. Miss said that there will be no class tomorrow. She said that she had the pleasure of having us as her students. She will try her best to release a few coursemarks. She also asked us to fill in the learning evaluation form before we can print our examination slip. One of my course mates even took a photo with miss. We said goodbye and hope to see each other again.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Reflection Week 13

One of my favourite Bible verses.

             The Bible verse above is one of my favourite Bible verses as it speaks to me especially when I faced difficulties in life. In the beginning of the class, our lecturer explained to us that the digital storytelling report has no limited page of numbers. Besides, the submission will be in  class itself on next Wednesday from eight to ten o’clock in the morning. After asking us which group wants to present, Imaan’s group volunteered to present. The title of their story is Mimi. They acted in the video. There is even a trailer at the beginning of the video. All of us were amazed by the trailer shown. One of our lecturers, Mr Lothfi acted in the movie. It is about a girl,Mimi that scams her friend’s money. I find the movie really good and interesting.

The next group to present is  Rashidah’s group. The title of the story is magic stone. Their story is in animation form. It’s about a mother who was upset because their children did not leave roasted chicken for her mum. Their mother was not swallowed by the rock although she wanted the rock to swallow her. They went home happily after. Miss reminded us that we need to hand in the digital storytelling report next Wednesday. Two groups will present tomorrow including my group. Miss then dismissed the class earlier than usual as the remaining groups have not finished doing the report.

Only one group presented their movie today. Yana’s group’s story is from a few fairytale classics like Snow White and Rapunzel. My group members and I explained to miss that our group could not present as the video crashed down the moment it is being played. It means that we have to redo the whole video again. I feel really sorry that we could not present today. Miss Amreet also said that there may be a class on Thursday as only one group presented today. Miss released us early because there are no more groups that want to present.      

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Reflection Week 12

The pride of martial arts

            The other day, Miss Amreet let us know that she will be giving a lecture of week 11 and week 12. The title of today’s lecture is Interactive multimedia narrative and linear narrative. Before giving lecture, she gave examples of games like Sims, Grand theft Auto(GTA) and Lord of the Rings. These games sound familiar to me as my friends used to play these games. Next, narrative and interactive multimedia is being compared. Narrative (story). Narrative interactive multimedia involves telling story using many media and interactivity.

After that, miss found that there is something wrong with the internet. My friends and I could not even access the internet. Miss could not access to it too. However, she proceeded with the lecture. Interactive narrative has beginnings, middles and ends. A combination simulations, worlds and narratives can also be used. For example, the game, Dust: A tale of the Wired West. In this game, the narrator tells the story. Later, she wanted to show us the youtube videos of games but was unable to do so as there’s internet problem.

Classical linear narrative is old timer. This includes character, structure whih consists of beginning,middle,end, scenes and sequences, jeopardy, point of view and pace. Wh questions need to be included in character, while plot is needed for structure. On the other hand, jeopardy means success or failure achieving ones’ goal. For instance, Lord of the rings has the value of jeopardy. I felt happy as the Internet can be used by using a different search engine which is Mozilla firefox. As a result, Miss showed us the video of one of the games.

The following day, she explained on the digital storytelling report. For those who have not updated their blogs should do so. I asked miss regarding the digital storytelling report. She also reminded us that there will be three groups who will present next week. During presentation, we have to introduce group members, show video, what difficulties, moral of the story, and other aspects. Next, she walked around and I had the chance to consult her regarding the report. She also explained that we need to number each aspects of the report like 1.0, 2.0 and so on.This week’s lecture is much more relaxing as it is already the end of this semester.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Reflection Week 11

Our lovely lecturer in action.

      Today is truly a happy day for my course mates and I. The reason is because Miss complimented our class to her other class. We felt so happy and gave applause after she said that. She also mentioned that we usually come early to class. It is so nice to be complimented by our lecturer. She also explained that this weeks’ class will be relaxing as she will give a lecture regarding two topics in the following week.  We did not have class yesterday because we went for a programme.

Later, she explained on the last assignment we have to submit which is digital storytelling. We have to include the report as well. The format of the report was given weeks before this. There are several questions to be answered in order to complete the report. A few of them can be done together with our group members, so we have to discuss to complete this task. Besides, we need to include cover page and content page in the report.

This is because she checked our personal blogs one by one. Honestly, I was really nervous at first but after looking at my friends’ blogs, I felt better. When it was my turn, I am glad that miss said that I am in the right track. It’s just that I need to insert more photos and music. I am very happy and satisfied as I have tried really hard to complete this blog.

 After that, miss told us that we need to present and show our video in class. A few of us were quite surprised as we did not think that we need to present it. Next, our beloved lecturer said that three groups will have to present on week 13 while three other groups will present on week 14. Our class finished early because most of them are going home this week. I am grateful for such understanding and caring lecturer. I could not ask for a better lecturer.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Reflection Week 10


           For this week, Miss Amreet asked all of us what the learning trend nowadays is. Besides, she also asked us whether we need teacher or not. After that, she told us that myguru is Learning Management System (LMS) which is also a type of learning trend. She said that she will lock the door next week as many of my classmates came late to class. After surfing the net, I have learnt that eLearning and mobile learning are learning trends used nowadays.

Later, she showed us a video on mobile learning. It was interesting and worthwhile watching. In the video, children with autism can’t speak but with mobile learning, they can communicate using their mobiles. I have never thought that it would be essential and useful for children with autism. I learned not to take things for granted and appreciate the little things in life.

            Again, she asked what the other trends of learning are. One of it is Open educational resources (OER). At times they are free. Other than that, blended learning is a type of rends of learning where everything is mixed. Lastly, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) where the teacher will post the videos online and students do the exercises. The platforms of MOOC are Coursera, Udemy, Khan’s Academy. Furthermore, Coursera is free of charge. Later, every leaders of the storyboard group met up with Miss Amreet to tell her the updates of the storyboard.

            My group members and I have already written the script so all we have to do now is to find a platform to complete this assignment. I am truly grateful to have such cooperative members that are willing to spend their time thinking of the storyline and doing the script later.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Reflection Week 9

          After the Prezi presentation that ended last week, our lecturer gave a lecture on the important styles for informative websites. Informative websites include online newspapers, journals and online magazines. The three types of informative websites are academic, scientific and technical. Miss also explained on the style in academic writing which are front matter,body,back matter.

Next, miss talked about the abstract in academic writing. An abstract should be written in a paragraph. Results can be classified into two which are qualitative and quantitative.   Quantitative contains number and statistics while qualitative presents findings and discussions about a certain topic.

Miss Amreet asked us what the differences between reference and bibliographies are. Well, sadly, none of us managed to answer this question. Finally, she told us the difference. For bibliography we do not necessarily have to cite everything but we need to cite everything for references.

Technical, academic and scientific style uses extensive explanatory footnotes. We can also use bulleted lists rather than paragraphs. This way, the reader will be able to understand what is being written better. Thus, I have learnt many new things regarding this topic. This lecture will benefit my classmates and I in the future as some of us  might need to write academic papers when furthering our studies later on.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Reflection Week 8

Hazwan presenting on Measat satellite.

            This week, Miss Amreet assigned us a task which is to find three good and bad websites. Miss has sore throat and in the process of recovering. That is why she wasn’t able to talk much because it is bad for her. My course mates and I are very lucky to have Miss Amreet as one of our lecturers as she is such a dedicated person.

            Before completing the task, two of my friends presented in class. Hazwan presented about Measat satellite while Rashidah shared on the popular types of coffee beverages. Rashidah prepared interesting images when presenting.

            Back to the task given. I find it easy to find good websites, while it is rather difficult to find the bad ones. However, later on, as I browsed the Internet, I found a few bad websites. We are to post our answers in a website called wikispaces. After that, miss randomly picked a few of them to state the reasons why they chose those websites.

            The next day, miss taught about the important styles for commercial websites. Commercial websites is about business websites. There are three commercial styles which are business style, database style and marketing style. The features of business style are precise and correct. There are no rooms for error regarding profits and contracts. It must also be blunt and straight to the point.

            I also learned that passages should be condensed by replacing long-winded section to point forms. In this way, it is easier for the readers to understand the information. Search engines and new sites are database systems to store and retrieve information. Miss will continue the lecture on marketing style on the following week.