Thursday, July 24, 2014

My Friends

Chloe and I

One of my favourite authors once said that “Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself…. “ “Based on this statement, I personally think that friends are individuals who share the same interest with us. They are the ones whom we turn to when there is no one else around. I am sure that you and I have friends of our own.

                There are best friends, friends and even close friends. However, I have many close friends instead of best friends. My friends are all caring and thoughtful. Whenever I am sick or feeling down, they never fail to cheer me up. They were there when my dog delivered five puppies. Regardless  of how busy they are, we set aside time to hang out and spend time with each other.

                Chloe is the best friend anyone could ask for. She is a thin and pretty girl. Besides, she has a kind and loving face. She always greets people with a smile on her face even to strangers. We have been friends for as long as I can remember. We even went to the same school and coincidentally stayed in the same neighbourhood. She used to come over and had slumber parties in my house. When her father passed away due to cancer, we cried together and I comforted her. She was always there for me through thick and thin.

                There is another dear friend of mine called Susan. She is a petite and sweet girl. I came to know her five years ago during a Girl’s Guide camp. We exchanged mobile phone numbers and I have been contacting her since now. She is an optimistic person which has influenced me greatly. I am now more positive minded and confident thanks to her.

                It is clear that Chloe and Susan are friends to die for. I absolutely agree with this, “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. Money can’t buy the friendship that we cherished dearly.

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