Thursday, July 3, 2014

Reflection week 4

Lucyana in action 

         It’s presentation day. There were seven of them who presented that day. Masmira presented on animal communications which is quite interesting for me. I asked her a question when it is time for Question and Answer session. Asyikin presented about kimono while Lucyana did a good job presenting about good luck symbols and meaning.

      Besides that, Afiq Aiman talked about superbikes. I have learnt new things mainly regarding the superbikes that can go very fast. Next, Lui Yin presented about Japanese Festival. The slides on her prezi are colourful and interesting.

       Eric, on the other hand  talked about Steve Jobs the founder of Apple Inc. Bao Yi was the last presenter of the day. Bao Yi and I volunteered to present on that day but time did not allow me to do so. It doesn’t matter as I will be presenting on the next day.After that, I went home preparing for my presentation.

      On the next day, our class representative, Khairul asked them which lecture room has internet connection. He was told that there was no internet connection in the whole campus. Therefore, we were not able to carry on with our presentation. Our class was dismissed earlier than usual because of that.

          Personally, I felt quite sad as I was not able to present that day. I am sure that I was not the only one feeling like this. My classmates who planned to present on the same day also felt this way. However, this is a blessing in disguise as I have more time to prepare for my presentation.

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