Thursday, July 24, 2014

Reflection week 7

             Our lecturer taught on writing styles for web. She also explained on the use of grammar when using web. Miss showed us a few sources of American Psychology Association (APA) style guidebook as we, students use APA style in citing our assignments.

            Besides, she reminded us not to use numbers and words together in web especially our personal blogs. For example, the word “hate”, some of them wrote it as (h8TE) She also explained on the differences between academic writing and creative writing. In academic writing, one cannot express themselves much, whereas in creative writing, there is no format. For instance, one can use free writing when writing reflection.

            I am amazed by how responsible and dedicated Miss Amreet is. She will not cancel any class because of personal problems. For this week, although she has to attend a course, she managed to finish her lecture for this week. As you can see, she is a very responsible and capable woman.

            Miss started today’s class by telling us to use the latest edition of a book, for example, the American Psychology Association (APA). She also mentioned about internet Lingo and clichés. Internet lingos include LOL(Laugh out loud) and smiley face while cliché is repeating a phrase many times.

            Swear words are not to be in our blog as it inappropriate. She later advised us think before writing because words are powerful. One of the grammar rules is never end a sentence with a preposition. Besides, never split an infinitive, such as to go. Lastly, always write complete sentences.

            After the lecture, prezi presentation was on. Khairul presented about google. Through this presentation, I learned about google earth.There are also facilities like gym and nap pod in the company. Marnya presented about the 10 beautiful places in the world.

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